Aminet 43
Aminet 43 (2001)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2001].iso
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Text File
111 lines
Short: RNO: "Goes Lahti" a RNO&DCS Meeting partyslideshow
Author: RNO (rno@onelist.com)
Uploader: jpv@amigascne.org
Type: demo/slide
Action: NoQuit
. .. . .
::.:.:::: _____
:::::: _____ ____\_ \
«----------____\_ .// / / /_-------------------------------------------»
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/___/____/ ..:.: / / / / /_/ /_\ / / _ / _/ _//_ _/ /
...:::::: / / / /___/ / / /\ / / / \ / \ \
::.:::.:: /___/____\______/___\___/\___\______\___/____/___\____\
______ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ______ _____
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/ _ / |/ / / /_ _/ _/______ / \ \ _ / / /tR!
«-/ / / / /___/ / \ / / / / / _/ / /----------»
::::::.:: [ gOES LAHTi]
::: :::::
::::::::: a RNO&DCS Meeting 23-25.2.2001 partyslideshow
::::::::: -
::::::: : released at the
::::::::: -MEKKA&SYMPOSiUM'2001-
::::::::: 13-16.4.2001 · Fallingbostel, Germany
::::::::: ___/\_______ ___ ____/\___ __/\____ ___ ______ \/ ___
:::::..:: / /__//\\_____//___))__//\__//__/\\__((___\\_____\\//__/ /
::::::::: /\ \/
::::::::: C R E D i T S
::.:::::: code <·> jPV
:::::::·: photos <·> Deeq & Kure
::::::::: music <·> Kure
::::::::: gfx+design <·> Kure
::::::::: ___/\_______ ___ ____/\___ __/\____ ___ ______ \/ ___
::::.:::: / /__//\\_____//___))__//\__//__/\\__((___\\_____\\//__/ /
:::.::::: /\ \/
::::::::: c O N T A C T
::::::::: jPV ÷ jpv@amigascne.org
::::::::: Deeq ÷ weekid@freenet.hut.fi
::::::::: Kure ÷ kure@sunpoint.net
:::: :::: RNO ÷ rno@onelist.com
::::::::: http://www.amigascne.org/rno
:.::::::: ___/\_______ ___ ____/\___ __/\____ ___ ______ \/ ___
::::::::: / /__//\\_____//___))__//\__//__/\\__((___\\_____\\//__/ /
::::::::: /\ \/
::::::::: s H O U T O U T S
.:::::::: apathy appendix damage damones darkage dcs
:::·::::: ephidrena exceed fit funktion gods haujobb
::::::::: hirmu industry iris kangooroo loonies mangoo
::::::::: mankind mawi nature potion spaceballs squirrelz
::::::::: trinity theblacklotus unique uprough zenon whelpz
::::::::: ___/\_______ ___ ____/\___ __/\____ ___ ______ \/ ___
::::::.:: / /__//\\_____//___))__//\__//__/\\__((___\\_____\\//__/ /
::::::::: /\ \/
::::::::: l A S T w O R D S
::::::::: this production requires AGA or a graphic card and o2o
::::::::: recommended configuration o6o and AGA
:: ::::.: -
::::::::: remember to check all the previous releases
::::::::: of our partyslideshow serie:
::::::::: - Goes Aars (The Party 8)
::::::::: - Go Stockholm&Helsinki (Remedy'2000&Alternative2)
::::::::: - Goes Aldi (The Party 10)
::::::::: - Goes Aldi [c64 version] (The Party 10)
::::::::: -
::::::::: we are looking for more members so if you would like
::::::::: to join us, contact Kure by email with some examples
:::::.::: of your work and some personal info or come to Ircnet
::::::::: channel #amigascne or #rno and have a chat with KureRNO.
::::::::: ___/\_______ ___ ____/\___ __/\____ ___ ______ \/ ___
::::::::: / /__//\\_____//___))__//\__//__/\\__((___\\_____\\//__/ /
:::::.::: /\ \/
::.:::::: [ rAVE nETWORK oVERSCAN ]·[ info: tHrEAz/tWisted&dAmONEs ]
·.:· :·:
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
333 172 48.3% 27-May-80 12:38:46 file_id.diz
6057984 2960711 51.1% 10-Apr-01 23:48:22 lahti.dat
346784 346784 0.0% 12-Apr-01 13:30:14 rno-lahti.exe
5013 1413 71.8% 09-Jun-80 08:41:50 rno-lahti.nfo
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6410114 3309080 48.3% 25-Apr-101 22:00:50 4 files